Friday, August 29, 2014


Nothing gets me more upset than people like Bill O'Reilly trying to play Blacks/Latinos/andAsians against each other... If you haven't heard the segment, Buzzfeed has an ill recap. But, I just want to put a few FACTS out there for this mouth breather and anyone else who tries to dispel white privilege by playing Asians against Blacks. Without even addressing the fact that privilege can't be defined solely by median income, graduation rates, single parent homes, and unemployment. Privilege rears its head at the bar, at central booking, on OKCupid, etc. White privilege permeates every single layer of American life. I'm gonna spot this biscuit 10 points and assume that you can define it with these identifiers because... as a person of color in this country, that's how we do. We spot you 10 points and THEN yam it on you. If you never read Mcintosh or heard of the invisible knapsack, peep game.

But here we go, if O'Reilly is intent on playing the barbarians against themselves, here are my reasons why I refuse, why you can't, and why this isn't even a logical conversation to be having. To take certain aspects of Asian American "success" in the eyes of dominant culture and compare them to African American progress in those same fields has NOTHING to do with white privilege. It is actually further evidence of white privilege that the conversation is even framed this way on AMERICA'S NUMBER ONE CABLE NEWS SHOW.

1) Asians were never enslaved ... besides internment camps. Let's just get that out of the way, unpack that on your own time, you don't need me for that.

2) Asians have history. Many of us can trace our families back to China, Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Vietnam, Thailand, Sanrio, etc. and we're connected. SLAVERY BROKE THE BRIDGE TO HISTORY. Imagine living without knowing your history, your language, your culture, and YOUR FAMILY. This is like comparing unseasoned chicken to brined chicken naw mean? Through SLAVERY, blacks were torn from their families, their homes, their countries, and forced to create new ones. Even when they did start new ones in America, they were still torn apart, re-sold, and forced back down to zero like they got tipped in playing Utah (21 in Brooklyn).

3) Asians are NEW SERFS to the matrix. Many asians are first and 2nd generation in this country and coming over daily. My parents faced hardships as adults, but they didn't get exposed to the systematic cultural conditioning and discrimination that you face as a person of color growing up in this country. They know who they are, they have their identities, and their self-confidence was fostered in an environment where being Chinese didn't automatically mean you were going to get dunked in the trash can after school.

When my Dad read my book, he had no idea that I had been forced to use my right hand, forced to eat soap for not believing in Jesus, held out of class until I let Jesus into my heart, and told to sit in the back of the class, be quiet, and do math like the other Asian kids. This all happened to me. This probably happens to all people of color in America in some way, shape or form. We are the other and it is made very clear to us early on.

If you compare fresh off the boat first generation Asians to 2nd or 3rd generation Asians that grew up in America like myself, Jin, Cory at MSC, or any other kid at the Polo Store, we kinda look like lost members of the Wu-Tang. Dudes that were on the Killa Bees album or feature on Cilvaringz tracks. We see how we are viewed in the American matrix and assimilate "downwards" because the other team never wanted us. We engage African America and its value system because it's the number one contender to THE MAN. It is the community that has laid the foundation for a lot of our issues and there is common ground. We are not the same, we won't ever be the same, nor would that be productive, but there is solidarity because we all get played. Being black and "blackness" are two different concepts and while this is again a concept that is too big to unpack for a Chinaman on blogspot, what I'm saying is that there is solidarity amongst 2nd/3rd generation Asians and African Americans who find themselves under the thumb of dominant culture. This is a result of conditioning and cultural scarcity (lack of communities to turn to) so when you try to compare Asians to Blacks look to 2nd and 3rd generation Asians, you'll find a lot of unemployed drop outs in single family homes.

Further, if you go watch any documentary about China such as Up the Yangtze or Heavyweight, you'll see Chinese families pulling their kids out of school to work the land, work construction jobs, and work on cruise ships. It's a necessity for poor Chinese families, poor Native American families on reservations, or poor black families. There is not a race or culture or gene that selects for and promotes being unemployed or uneducated. That's fucking ridiculous.

4) WE ALL WANT TO BE EDUCATED. Why do people like me or Dead Prez or the founders of Skillshare eschew "schools"? Are we against education? Absolutely not. But if you've gone through the American school system, read the MAN's history, then get hit upside the head with Howard Zinn's People's History of the United States of America in 10th grade, you feel lied to. When you see Michael Brown shot dead and then Bill O'Reilly on Fox 2 weeks later claiming that white privilege is a myth, you KNOW you are being lied to. So why would you go back to learn from these mother fuckers? Why would you trust them to educate you? You don't, so you try to learn on your own, but ain't nobody handing out GEDs for writing book reports on videos we watch on World Star even if I can break down all three acts and identify elements of Greek Tragedy in the YG "Bicken Back Bein Bool" video.

5) To make money, we usually have to sell our souls. To join the corporate white shoe world, we have to basically forgive the fact that we've woken up every day of our lives spotting the other side 10 points. I find it hard to do as an Asian American but IMAGINE how hard it is as an African American to go through high school, college, law school, get a job at a top 50 firm and then be told that you need to change your appearance, not shape up your hair, and be constantly reminded that you speak well? I have no idea. I will never know because I'm not black, but ALL of these things happened to me and I'M FUCKING CHINESE. Nobody watches the end of Braveheart wanting William Wallace to sell out and bow to England, so WHY do we expect people of color to do it in America EVERY DAY?

Lastly, this isn't to say that I agree with not going to school or not working corporate. I did it. I have a JD, I worked at a top 50 firm, and I'm glad I did. I learned a lot, but I swallowed my pride every day and felt like a sell out. Whether that's logical or not, it's how I felt. I went to school with people that walked, talked, and looked like the people who shit on me all through my adolescent years. I'd sit in class listening to them claim that we didn't need Affirmative Action... ESPECIALLY FOR ASIANS. I'd sit in class listening to them defend case law that denied equal opportunity for gay people seeking employment in Colorado. I did it so that I could learn because Kumon Math and Ranch Market 99 unfortunately do not offer courses on jurisprudence.

Bill O'Reilly, to be as privileged as you are and use your platform during this critical time in American history to kick black people when they're down is disgusting. And I know that if you were able to do to black people what you did to Native Americans, what you're doing to Mexicans, I know that Asians would be next. You're just going down the aisle, checking items off your grocery list, denting all the cans in the ethnic food aisle. I SEE YOU DOGGY. So FUCK YOU and FUCK FOX NEWS.


  1. Wow, the Talking Points segment is so blatantly wrong, but you have put far more thought and effort into your response than what this segment deserves. Nice. Also I was going to say, "what about the Mexicans" as a joke but you've got ALL your bases covered, man.

  2. Dude, lighten up. I'm a chef who came up through the ranks I'm still working my ass off with no TV show. let go of you high school anger and think like an adult. Our country (mine and yours) has given you success, pay it forward.
    Or, just be a douche

    1. how has this country "given" me success? please... do explain. or make me a sandwich.

    2. I think you're missing the poster's point.

      Despite all the fossilized, asinine views on race that you've poorly parroted here, you've still published a successful book that's now a major network television series, have a successful Vice series, and run a successful restaurant. That doesn't exactly support your view of American being such a race-intolerant place.

      Pointing out the vast discrepancy in graduation rates/median incomes/homicide rates between Asian and Black Americans isn't pitting races against each other, it's identifying a clear problem.

      1. This stopped being a cogent point when, in context, slavery ended over two centuries ago.

      2. Ditto.

      3. I see, Black Americans simply lack the self confidence, broadly, to be successful. Perhaps you haven't taken a look at the current US president - or even currently prospective filed for future presidents.

      4. Yes, obviously people of all creeds and colors should be able to assault a police officer, attempt to take his firearm by force, and suffer no repercussions for it. Obviously.

      5. So you were required to wear a suit while working at a law firm... and that's oppression?

  3. Ed, It's interesting to see the grip of oppression slipping like it is. Fox news promotes the master race ideology. Pat yourself on the back, your better then these people kind of bull shit. It's going to scare people that your not bowing down and kissing the ring. Thanks for paying it forward and telling YOUR story. There are a lot of us out here that feel the same way.

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  5. It seems pretty impossible to convince anyone of their privilege because that would work against their own self-interest.

  6. "This bought loyalty. And to bind that loyalty with something more powerful even than material advantage, the ruling group found, in the 1760's and 1770's, a wonderfully useful device. That device was the language of liberty and equality which could unite just enough whites to fight a Revolution against England, without without ending either slavery or inequality"

    Your article found me at the right time. Thanks

  7. Gina Crosley-Corcoran has a great article about privilege in general in our society in the United States that I (as an uppermiddleclass white female) think is an important reminder that our discussion of privilege shouldn't just center around race, since that is honestly a single-minded view of a very complex set of issues. You have started to address that complexity with your article, and it seems that the (well, a) problem with mainstream media is its desire to continually latch on to one small detail in a situation and herald or lambast it as the single solution to or problem with all of society. The real problem with society and media is that we tend to turn events like Ferguson into incredibly divisive discussions where a lot of racial/socioeconomic/gender/age/religious/etc groups get mad at the other groups either for holding them down or unfairly accusing them of being oppressive. There is a lot that every individual does not know about most other people in the country and world, and we should be a lot more open minded about hearing others' stories instead of instantly shooting them down based on our incredibly limited personal experience. Here's the article (entitled "Explaining White Privilege to a Broke White Person"):

  8. Thank YOU for this. As a Black woman living in America married to a Taiwanese immigrant this resonated at MANY levels with my husband and I. Every minority has their struggle and it needs to stop being used as a weapon to divide us.

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  10. This post is money. Well said, and I'm white.

  11. So much truth here! White privilege is alive and kicking. I see it almost every single day. My Dad is an amazing general contractor/master electrician and has 30+ years of experience, but loses jobs to guys that have little to no experience. Why does this happen? Well, they just "happen" be be a whole lot whiter than he is (he is Native Hawaiian...and btw, I won't even start to get into what happened to Hawaiians back in the day). But he is so cool about it. He just tells me that best thing we can do is push and be as successful at what we are passionate about as we can.

  12. Economic layers in the US are real. Upper Middle Class and Wealthy Classes have their own:Vocabulary (with more than single syllable words), values, literature, behavior and ethics.
    If you want to wear dreadlocks--would you like fries with that? Yes, things can be overcome with education and charisma (which will provide a first impression strong enough to reduce dreads or tattoos or piercings to a "detail" rather than the impression itself.)
    Yes, there are "mouth-breathers" out there. I had to allow people to beat me up in high school so I wouldn't get stomped by thirty inbred cousins in hiking boots. Teachers encouraged bullying towards students they didn't like--because many teachers (were and are) sophomoric and emotionally retarded. I do regard this outbreak of successful youth suicides to be partially the responsibility of the teachers out there.
    Many people were raised without prejudice, but the behavior of people with whom they interacted with in the past has given them negative expectations--which become self-fulfilling prophesies. Others, who have met mouth-breathing racists, bring their rage to innocent bystanders; which creates more racism toward them. It is a fact; accept it. Don't just smear the poo and make it worse.

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  14. You're quite right about Bill O'Reilly. I never cared for him after he wrote that the poor in New Orleans had committed the worst crime by being dependent on government help after Hurricane Katrina. Furthermore, he wrote a column against teaching tolerance in school, which I felt was blindly ignorant. Were it not for tolerance (and the sacrifice of Irish-born troops in the Civil War), Bill O'Reilly would not have the cushy position he has talking about society. He would have been working long hours in backbreaking labor because the Irish would have been held in low regard without tolerance.

  15. Asians have never been slaves????
    A little bit of revisionist history on your part.

    After that I figured everything else you had to say was just as little researched and insightful. Go on and tell us more about your hatred. meh.

    1. Lol, fucking idiot. He obviously wasn't talking about slavery IN Asia, that would be irrelevant. This is about the United States moron.

    2. White guy chimes in on a post about white privilege...uses "Wikipedia" Sources. Look at you go Jef Smith.

  16. Whites have been kicking our asses for 2 long dude time to start a revoultion and kick whites out forever

  17. Bill o'Reilly you fucking Irish IRA prick go back to fucking Ireland

  18. Do what you can do in life. Know that what you did is to the best of YOUR ability. STOP blaming others. LET IT GO!!! Whether you are right or wrong it is all PERSPECTIVE! I do not buy into this white privilege stuff. America gives everyone a chance to succeed. It is your choice. No one can hold you down. As an Asian, I have seen my share of racism. I attribute those instances to those people not a whole race. I can assure you, if I were to blame a whole race for a few hurts or what some might consider injustices in my life, then every single race including most majority Asians are therefor racist. Surely not my own Asian ethnicity because that would be silly for a race to be racist against itself?. You want to talk about white privilege in this country how about looking back to your origin. Look at the discrimination there. In China where my people were called a derogatory name. And are still being identified by the derogatory name. Should I then hate every Chinese person who is not my ethnicity? How about the genocide that is happening in Laos and Thailand to my people. Should I also hate every Laotian or Thai person I see? We were and are still being treated unfairly by some in those countries. The so called white privilege extends beyond one race. LET IT GO! You'll find life is beautiful and quite enjoyable!

    1. First off, it's a blog, and on a blog you are allowed to vent or share views. Eddie has time and time again expressed he does not represent Asia, only himself. So why don't YOU "STOP blaming others," and looking at him solely, when no one else speaks out. Secondly, I can tell you've been watching too much tv. The current most popular catch phrase is "Let it go." from Disney's Frozen, which is mildly ironic. I think you should be thanking Eddie for lending some perspective to pop culture. He's trying to represent all the people that can't speak out. What the hell have you done?

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

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